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House of Deadly Secrets (2018)

[Rated TV-14]

A mother and her young daughter move into a new house looking for a new start. But they soon realize that they will become part of a dark history.--IMDB

Gore - 2

They showed the kills, but there wasn't much blood or gore at all.

Scariness - 1


Creepiness - 1

I laughed at the parts that seemed like they were supposed to be creepy.

Plot - 3

This movie wasn't horrible., but it's not a "must see". It's simply entertaining. It actually reminds me of one of those suspenseful/mystery lifetime movies. It's kind of predictable and the characters make some common mistakes. There are also a few inconsistencies and it makes you wonder how long it takes for the main character's common sense to kick in. And the acting is mediocre. But all of these came together to make the movie funny to me. It wasn't like overly comical or meant to be funny, but I just couldn't take it too seriously. I started to give the plot a 2, but I didn't feel like I wasted my time watching it, so I went with 3. Something to watch if you just want to see a cold case or crazy person type movie.

Effects - 3

I took this down based on this one scene where someone got shocked and they showed the electricity shocking the person. It just looked so fake.

Streaming on Netflix



  1. stabbed in the back

  2. neck snapped

  3. wooden spoon shoved down throat

  4. overdose

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