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Slender Man (2018)

[Rated PG-13]

In a small town in Massachusetts, a group of friends, fascinated by the internet lore of the Slender Man, attempt to prove that he doesn't actually exist - until one of them mysteriously goes missing. --IMDB

Gore - 1

There is not one drop of blood in this movie.

Scariness - 3

There are quite a few jump scares, but they mostly seem cheap and anticipated.

Creepiness - 3

The always lingering Slender Man was kind of creepy. Not creepy enough to have me thinking about it later, but creepy nonetheless.

Plot - 2

This movie was very unoriginal. I can think of at least 3 movies it seemed to take major themes from. I also don't think they gave a good enough background or rationale on the events occurring. The main characters also made a few stupid moves, as if they were not teenage girls. I would not suggest paying to see this.

Effects - 5

The sounds effects were really good with building up the tension. The graphics weren't bad either.

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(all assumed dead)

  1. disappeared

  2. snatched up through bushes and disappeared

  3. snatched up through window and disappeared

  4. absorbed by tree



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