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Wildling (2018)

[Rated R]

A blossoming teenager uncovers the dark secret behind her traumatic childhood. --IMDB

Gore - 3

Most of the gore is in the after kill shots. They show some of the in action kill gore, but it's not major.

Scariness - 2

There are a couple jump out type scare scenes, but nothing major.

Creepiness - 2

A couple of the characters are creepy like how they lurk.

Plot - 3

This was an okay movie. I liked how it wasn't the typical "captured kid" movie. The main cop, played by Liv Tyler, really annoyed me. Not her acting, but her voice. I couldn't recall if she really talked like that, soft and sympathetic, or if she was just doing it for the movie. It only bothered me because she did it the entire movie. It also really didn't make sense to me why no one got the kid professional help. I guess that would have been too much unnecessary stuff added to the movie though. I would liked more details on some of the characters, like this one creepy woodsman. While I do think some parts were predictable, it was still entertaining to watch it all unfold.

Effects - 4

It wasn't horribly noticeable, but there were times when the graphics seemed off.

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  1. eaten

  2. neck torn out

  3. shot in head

  4. heart ripped out

  5. maimed

  6. impaled by hunting trap

  7. neck snapped

  8. neck torn out



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