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Leatherface (2017)

A teenage Leatherface escapes from a mental hospital with three other inmates, kidnapping a young nurse and taking her on a road trip from hell, while being pursued by a lawman out for revenge. --IMDB

Gore - 5

Not only were the murders gory in this movie, but there were a few parts that were just disgusting. The kill count is pretty high in this movie and they are all pretty graphic.

But, a lot of murders were very typical. That’s not a bad thing, but they lacked creativity.

Scariness - 1

Not scary.

Creepiness - 1

Not creepy.

Plot - 3

This is a prequel to the original Leatherface (1974). It is not the typical Leatherface/Texas Chainsaw slasher film. Instead, it attempts to explain the origin of Leatherface. While I do not think they did an awesome job of explaining the evolution of his mentality, at least it was entertaining. The movie is fast paced and keeps you engaged and was worth the watch.


I did enjoy how the movie let you assume which character was Leatherface and never revealed which character he actually was until the end. On the other hand, the character that ended up being Leatherface did not seem like a logical choice as far as statue and strength.

Effects - 5

The makeup and blood throughout the movie were well done. Nothing stood out as being off to my average eye.

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KILLS - 21

  1. sledge hammer to the head

  2. crushed by engine

  3. beat to death

  4. beat to death

  5. strangled

  6. head banged against window

  7. shanked in mouth

  8. stomped to death

  9. thrown out window

  10. stabbed in neck

  11. shot in head

  12. shot in head

  13. shot in head

  14. shot in head

  15. head stomped

  16. shot in head

  17. shot in head

  18. head beat with car door

  19. eaten by hogs

  20. chainsaw to the torso

  21. headed chopped off with chainsaw

See video below for in action KILLS!



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