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Tales of Halloween (2015)

[Rated R]

Ten stories are woven together by their shared theme of Halloween night in an American suburb, where ghouls, imps, aliens and axe murderers appear for one night only to terrorize unsuspecting residents.--IMDB


This was a pretty decent Halloween anthology. Not nearly as good as Trick 'r Treat, but good enough. There is no main story in this movie to introduce or tell the other stories -- they all kind of stand on their own, which isn't a bad thing. But I do like how there are a lot of the older classic horror movies are playing in the background of most stories. And I enjoyed some of the familiar actors in quite a bit of the stories. But the varying tones of the stories, took away from the movie as a whole. Some stories were intense and some were too silly.

I. This story was one of my favorites. It was a bit predictable, but it had a good serious tone and small backstory. The monster in this story was even effectively scary. The ending makes you think a bit too as to how things are going to turn out, but in a good way. - 4

II. Following the last story, this one was pretty comical. I wasn't a big fan because it was also a bit predictable, but I still kind of liked the bitter ending. - 3

III. This was certainly my favorite story of them all. It was back to the serious tone. At first I questioned some of the dumb moves of the characters, but then there was a pretty neat twist that made everything make sense. - 5

IV. This story was cheesy. It was a basic revenge story and they didn't even show the kills. - 3

V. I was not a fan of this story at all. It was one of the most tense stories and it had a bit of a scare scene, but it just missed the mark for me. I know you can't go too deep with a short, but it just seemed too rushed. - 2

VI. This was another silly story. But I did enjoy seeing some of the other characters from the previous stories in this one, even for a short while. Up to a point, this story made sense in its silliness, but then the ending was just a nose dive. - 2

VII. This was a super quick and cheesy story. It was relevant to the Halloween season, but it could have been omitted. - 2

VIII. This story was silly, but entertaining. It was like a mesh of Jason and the Evil Dead, but it also had aliens. There was a lot going on. And it still had some comical parts, but on the plus side, it was more gory than the other stories. - 3

IX. This story was comical too, but I actually enjoyed it. It had a small twist too which made it interesting. I still had some questions, but overall, I liked the story and its outcome.

X. And then we have this story, which had to be the silliest of them all. Every object isn't meant to be personified and turned into a killer. And this story was longer than it needed to be.

Streaming on Netflix


KILLS - 40

  1. cleaver to the face

  2. cleavered

  3. throat pulled out

  4. disemboweled

  5. stabbed

  6. shot

  7. shot

  8. shot

  9. hit by a car

  10. hit by a car

  11. chopped up

  12. poisoned

  13. stabbed

  14. ax to the head

  15. murdered body

  16. burned in RV

  17. burned in RV

  18. assumed dead

  19. assumed dead

  20. assumed dead

  21. burned alive

  22. melted

  23. impaled

  24. impaled

  25. decapitated head

  26. body found

  27. body found

  28. body found

  29. body found

  30. body found

  31. body found

  32. body found

  33. spear through stomach

  34. smushed

  35. decapitated

  36. decapitated

  37. decapitated

  38. decapitated

  39. eaten by pumpkin

  40. shot

See video below for in action KILLS!



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