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The Babysitter (2017)

[Rated TV-MA]

The events of one evening take an unexpected turn for the worst for a young boy trying to spy on his babysitter. --IMDB

Gore - 5

The gore was awesome. They were really extra and the blood splatter was extreme. I liked how most of the kills were different and not boring.

Scariness - 2

Not really scary but some tense moments.

Creepiness - 1

Not creepy.

Plot - 4

I went back and forth between a 3 and 4 on the plot, so I had to watch it again. I must say, I enjoyed it more the second time around. I didn't really know what to expect the first time, so I was way more critical. What I really liked about this movie is how the kid didn't annoy me. He actually made pretty good choices, for the most part. This is definitely a dark comedy and it does a good job of that. There were a couple plot holes in the story line and I would've liked more of a back story, even a small one, on the bad guys. Maybe they are prepping for a sequel.

Effects - 5

Great effects on kill scenes. I also enjoyed how some shots were done from what seemed like a first person perspective.


  • There is a post-credit scene

Streaming on Netflix



  1. double stabbed in top of head

  2. throat slit

  3. fire poker through the head and ripped out through skull

  4. trophy through the neck after falling

  5. bug spray + fire cracker explosion

  6. hung

  7. head blown off with shotgun

  8. stabbed

See video below for in action KILLS!



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